


Boron 15% w/v (11% W/W) Soluble liquid

Density: 1,36 gr/cc

pH: 8



BoroPad is a formulation based on a highly stable Boron complex with Ethanol Amine. The combined application of Ethanol Amine and Boron improve the assimilation of Boron much faster and effective in the consumption points.
Boron is an element with little mobility inside the plant, and so BoroPad is particularly recommended whenever a rapid plant response is required during times of maximum demand for Boron by the plant.
Boron is an essential element for increasing yield and quality of small fruits. Where Boron is lacking, nutritional disorders appear. Boron is the key element in nutritional balance affecting normal fruit formation. A balance of Boron with the other elements is essential for high-yielding, top-quality fruit crops, especially during flowering and fruit formation. Making sure that the crop has adequate Boron will: Increase flower retention, pollination and fruit set; Lower the number of malformed fruit and increase the amount of marketable fruit; Help movement of sugars and nutrients from the leaves to fruiting points; Ensure optimum fruit fill and reduce premature fruit .


·         Provides Boron with high bio-availability

·         Increases fruit set and fruit retention by the tree

·         Increases the absorption and the mobility of Boron

·         Corrects stress due to deficiency of Boron.


BoroPad can be applied to all kinds of crops by foliar spraying or Fertigation. Specially recommended for plants that require a high level of Boron (olive trees, sugar beet, celery, etc.) and which may develop problems during the flowering and fruit set periods.
Given the fact that Boron plays a specific role in flowering and fruit setting, it is specially recommended to apply during the pre-flowering period. 






Sugar Beet

4-6 leaves stage

1 l/ha

7 l/ha

Repeat after 4 weeks

1.5 - 2 l/ha


1 weeks before the earliest flowers

0.75 – 1 l/ha

5 l/ha


3 days after cutting and at the ning of the flowering

1-3 l/ha

3-5 l/ha

Other field Crops

7-5 days before flowering

1 l/ha

3-5 l/ha

Fruity Vegetables

Before blooming

1 cc/l

3-5 l/ha

Before coloring

1.5 cc/l

Stone Fruits

Before blooming

1 cc/l

5-7 l/ha

Before fruit coloring

1.5 cc/l


Before blooming

1.5 cc/l

7-10 l/ha

Before fruit coloring

2 cc/l


Before blooming

1 cc/l

7-10 l/ha


Before blooming

2 - 3 cc/l

7-10 l/ha

Before fruit coloring

2 cc/l

Other fruit trees

Before blooming

2 cc/l

5-7 l/ha

Before fruit coloring

2 - 3 cc/l

This application rates are general and depend on the local varieties and agro–conditions. For more information please ask the local experts. 

If you require any further clarification, please contact Padena Co. via e-mail:


Do not mix with strongly oxidizing agents, copper, aluminum, or calcium Sulphate. Do not mix with, oils or strong acids or bases. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.


Store in cool and dry place, out of direct sunlight.

Keep away from children or pets!

Keep the cap closed after use.

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